This week has been way hard, take that back, this entire semester has me going insane in the membrane. Sometimes I feel like I've taken more than I can swallow (that's the phrase right?). It's good then to celebrate the small successes in my life, it helps me feel a little more accomplished.
So, good news, I turned in my New York City Internship portfolio/application today. If accepted into the program, I will be spending Spring semester (April-June) in the concrete jungle that is NYC. I hadn't planned on even applying to this internship but I kid you not, one day this song came on my iTunes and it was like a message. I don't have any commitments this spring so I thought, "why not?" I really do hope it works out, but if not I'm ok.
If it didn't work out though, this would be my first year since I started college that I would actually spend my FULL summer break at home (April - Aug). That could be fun too! :] Next week will be just as busy but I'm still going to focus on the little things, because I've heard they actually count the most.
All of my ♥,
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