We started this tour Monday morning as most of our tours do at 6:30 am in the RB parking lot. It may have been really early, but you could just feel the excitement for tour in the air. We had a sweet high-tech bus equipped with wi-fi & poweroutlets. This made it so that we could actually do homework & watch the occasional movie on netflix. Much needed on a 10 hr or so bus ride.
We made a stop in St. George to pick up our traditional tour lunches of sandwiches from Brick Oven Pizza. I always go for the California Crossaint. Muy bueno. We didn't make the traditional California roadtrip in Las Vegas—we were on a mission to get to Irvine,CA in time for our fireside/outreach.
On the bus we chose "secret pals." We each draw a name and throughout the course of tour we do nice things for our secret pals. Funny enough, Daniela (mejor amiga) who was sitting next to me on the bus, picked out my name. Now she really has to be nice to me.
I got so happy when we reached recognizable glimpses of Los Angeles County. Luckily we didn't hit too much rush hour traffic and got to Irvine at about 4:oo p.m. We unpacked our things at the Orange Stake Center and got dressed in our fireside outfits. Shelly (mehlor amiga) had a little surprise awaiting her when she opened her luggage, her conditioner had exploded on all her tour clothes so we turned the ladies restroom into a makeshift laundrymat. #ratchetgirl
We were fed such great food! A pasta dish with sausage and salad and carrot cake for desert. Our fireside went well, you could definitely feel the spirit. Post fireside we gathered in the cultural hall & performed a couple of numbers from our show. Afterwards, the Polynesian section taught the YSAs dances from Hawaii & New Zealand. & then played latin music and grabbed partners and hit the dancefloor. We love having the opportunity to share our cultures with others.
Rachel B. Was my roommate & we stayed with the presenter's family. We love our host family so much! They have 5 kids who are so friendly and kind. We also especially loved them because they were BYU fans & Mexican. What more could you want?
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