Tuesday, November 19, 2013

4 Hnas 4-4-4 for Baybertyyy!

We are fueling Hermana Power in Baytown. Our Elders were flushed out and we now have four Hermanas serving in our little rama de Tejas--Hna Mellor and Hna Ochsenbein. Hna Mellor and I came out to Texas on the same flight and Hna Ochsenbein has been on her mission for 10 months. We didn't get a picture this week, but soon se lo prometo. It's been so great to have Hnas in the branch with us, the ideas have been flowing and we are all so committed to the work. It's all around good. We're both (companionships) inviting members out with us on almost a daily basis. Because the Elders left, Hna St. John and I are now covering a semi-sketchy street in our area known as N_____ (Just for confidential purposes, I'll mention the street as "N street". The Elders used to cover that area, but we're now teaching an investigator living there and a family visiting with realtives walked into church this Sunday and they live on that street as well. We'll be taking a couple of trips to N street. My philosophy is this, after living 22 years in Compton, CA, what's N street?
Speaking of sketchy places. Hna St. John and I had to spend two hours last night knocking in one of the most sketchy areas of our area. The reason, well to make a long story short, Hna St. John had forgotten to fill the car up on Saturday with gas and being Sunday (sabbath day holy) we had no choice, but to knock for two hours in the sketchiest part of town. I was a little ticked, but we are blessed with moments like that to learn patience, right? Some good came of it! We found two potentials, set up return appointments, and had a member present lesson afterwards.
Esmeralda and her husband both came to church on sunday! Although, not sure if I updated y'all that she wants to wait till after her delivery to be baptized. Especially since the baptismal date we set is when the doctor informed her that she could possibly go into labor.
No other "big" news except for the fact that Hna Mellor is also an STL and I will no longer be going on exchanges with the Liberty Hnas, but instead will be exploring Mont Belvieu this transfer. :)
Hope y'alls weeks are filled with sunshine! As for Baytown it's been foggy and humid, perfect combination for mosquitos which I'm sarcastically really excited about.
With Love,
Hna Flores

A member blessed us with gift cards to Texas Roadhouse. First timer! That's how I spent my veterans day. :]
Just a cute note I left over a not-so-nice sign.
                                                     Cute animal picture. Because I had to!
Also, just realized practically every photo, I have a braid in my hair. I'm a missionary who's hair gets frizzy in humidity. THE WORST.


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