Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Soy Chicana. vol 4.

While drafting this post, I realized it's been over a YEAR since I did a "soy chicana post." Unacceptable! The small consolation prize I gave myself? most of these pictures technically were from, there's that... 

But fear not, I was every bit of Chicana in 2016!

#1. I decorate my law school carrel to remind me of why I'm at law school (because sometimes you need tacos for motivation).
#2. I get the cutest doormat for my apartment, because being greeted in Spanish just makes coming home that much greater.
#3 I make the occasional bath of Mexican wedding cookies.
#4 When friends from the mission wanted to get together, I suggest a tasty Mexican place for breakfast. Their chilaquiles are the BEST.
#5. I buy Mexican themed gifts for white elephant parties, and then debate whether to keep said gift for myself. Taco Truck Taco holders you guys!!!!
#6. I buy Mexican themed fairytales for my unborn daughters. You know how some people buy clothes for their future children??? I've never been that person, but when I saw this book at the Museum of Art on campus, I couldn't resist!
#7. I turn into the impromptu photographer at my cousin's daughter's quinceñera.
#8. I come home to gifts on my bed from roommates who know the key to my .
#9. I suggest Salsa soireés as a going away party theme.
#10. & finally, when my mejor amiga wants to meet up over winter break I naturally suggest we check out the greatest dessert place Paramount, CA has yet to see. 
**Just realized that ALL of these photos are from 2016. ooops. Better late than never, no? Here's to more Chicana days ahead.


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