i went on an adventure with Utah public transportation & spent the weekend in West Valley City.
a change of scenery was much needed. & mainly i just wanted to be around my family & eat really good mexican food. i'd list out all the things i ate, but i wouldn't want to make you jealous. i will however brag and say that my tia sent me home with a stack of homemade flour tortillas & a promise that she'd make me a bunch of tamales de rajas next time i came up.
honestly, i spent most of my trip talking to my abuelita. she is my hero. it sends my head spinning in circles to think that she was a little orphan in San Luis Potosi where her first job was selling helados & raspados and then going on to work in the home of a wealthy family. She lived in poverty in Mexico and i somehow am fortunate to be where I am studying at a University with the hopes of going to law school.
she is my motivation.
wow she sounds amazing! what a great experience!
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