Monday, December 27, 2010

too many tamales.

This was the weirdest Christmas ever, because for once, we had absolutely no one over. Our home has always been bustling with people on the 24th and 25th but with the Vecinos (our second family — you'll see them alot more on the blog) moving to Utah this summer; things just weren't the same.

We still kept true to our traditions. Pretty much every true Mexican family I know of makes tamales all day long on Christmas eve; it's a tradition I'm passing on too my kids. I really used to hate it because I was no good at it when I was younger, but it's grown on me. Mom & I have actually perfected my grandma's sweet tamale recipe. huzzah!
In all truthfulness, we didn't really have too many tamales, the name of this post comes from this book. It's a book I loved when I was growing up; reading it reminds me so much of my family. That's the thing about Christmas though, it doesn't matter what you do, it matters who you're with.

This is probably my favorite picture of my parents. My dad laughed though, he said it looks like my Mom is eyeing his tamale. :]

All of my ♥,


Fred & Shenna Frost said...

Tamales are by far my most favorite Mexican dish and reading your past few posts that mention tamales has made my mouth WATER!! have some homemade tamales right now would make my day! hehe P.S. I love the photo of your parents too. :)

Jenny said...

i love that picture of your momma and poppa! so cute. i hope you're having a good break! i know you just love it when i pocket call you...planning to do it sometime soon again. haha see you soon!

Anonymous said...

love the picture of your parents! Also, I have never had a tamale!

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